Dec 19, 2018
I'm joined today with none other than EJ White. He's a senior strategist here at WebMechanix. He works with Shlomo Trachtenberg, who's been on some episodes in the past. You guys work heavily together on both B2C and B2B clients. You guys do a ton of marketing automation and that's a hot space, hot MarTech,...
Dec 10, 2018
I am your host Arsham Mirshah. I have with me today the beautiful NASA bound Tyler Carson. Tyler is a senior strategist here at WebMechanix. He's a subject matter expert as well on paid media. Pretty much anything that you can buy media online. If you can place an ad. If you can buy an email newsletter. This guy...
Nov 16, 2018
WebMechanix's creative director, Bart Heird, comes on board to talk about creative marketing.
Nov 14, 2018
Today, we have Chris Mechanic, the co-founder, as a guest. We break down digital marketing tips for marketing managers and executives, including tips for the new year.
Nov 14, 2018
I am your host Arsham Mirshah. I have with me today the beautiful NASA bound Tyler Carson. Tyler is a senior strategist here at WebMechanix. He's a subject matter expert as well on paid media. Pretty much anything that you can buy media online. If you can place an ad. If you can buy an email newsletter. This guy...